Member Rights and Responsibilities

Effective Date: August 12, 2022

Thank you for choosing Brightside Health (“Brightside”) for your behavioral healthcare needs. You and/or your legal representative(s) have entered into a cooperative partnership with Brightside’s providers and staff. As you interact with each other in this partnership, there are rights that you have and responsibilities that both groups must be aware of and fulfill. These rights include, among others, respectful and considerate treatment, involvement in making decisions about your care, privacy of your health information, and designating the individuals who can be involved in your care.

Brightside’s commitment to equity and inclusion.
Brightside is comprised of a diverse and highly-qualified workforce that endorses a culture of equity and inclusion. In order to reinforce these values, we do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or abusive behavior. Brightside will never discriminate or provide disparate treatment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, or veteran status.

As a member or a member’s legal representative, you have the right to:

  • Receive considerate, respectful, and private care in accordance with your needs, that maintains your dignity and incorporates your values and beliefs.
  • Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment options and alternatives, risks and prognosis communicated to you in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Ask your provider about the choices you have and participate in decisions regarding your treatment plan.
  • Speak up to identify uncomfortable situations or confusion about the care provided or planned, or if you have any safety concerns related to your treatment.
  • Change providers if other qualified providers are available.
  • Know the name and professional status of those with whom you interact.
  • Expect effective communication and strict adherence to your confidentiality.
  • Withdraw consent for treatment, except as provided by law.
  • Expect confidentiality of your medical record and billing information to the extent provided by law, which is detailed in Brightside’s Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • Request that a copy of your medical record be provided to you or a third-party.
  • Expect a safe and secure virtual environment, while receiving care that is free from any form of discrimination.
  • Request an explanation of all billing charges, payment policies and billing procedures.
  • Expect a timely resolution of your health care and/or billing concerns.
  • Receive disclosure if you are referred to entities which Brightside has a financial interest in.
  • Submit a complaint, concern or feedback regarding care or service without fear of reprisal or discrimination by communicating directly with a staff member, which can be done by sending a message to Member Services through your Member Portal, or emailing Member Services at [email protected].

If you believe that Brightside has violated any of these rights or other civil rights which you are entitled to, you may submit a complaint to the Department of Health & Human Services. Information for submitting such complaints may be found on the Department’s Complaints & Appeals page.

As a member or a member’s legal representative, you have the responsibility to:

  • Show respect to your provider and other members of Brightside’s staff with whom you communicate. Verbal abuse, including profanity, discriminatory or threatening language directed toward any Brightside employee will not be tolerated and may result in the termination of our relationship.
  • Provide us with a complete and accurate medical history. This history includes all prescribed and over-the-counter medications you are currently or have recently taken.
  • Tell us about all treatments and interventions you are receiving.
  • Follow the suggestions and advice your healthcare providers prescribe in a course of treatment. If your refusal of treatment prevents us from providing appropriate care according to ethical and professional standards, we may need to end our relationship with you after giving you reasonable notice.
  • Ask your provider questions about anything you do not understand as it relates to your care.
  • Report promptly to your provider any worsening conditions or any unexpected reaction to a medication.
  • Participate with your provider in deciding on your plan of care, and then follow that plan.
  • Use any prescribed medications only for you (the member) exactly as instructed by the provider, and contact your provider with any questions about your medication plan.
  • Know what your insurance or health plan covers.
  • Meet any financial obligations agreed to with the Brightside and/or your insurance carrier. This includes providing us with correct information about your sources of payment and ability to pay your bill.
  • Keep appointments and, when necessary, follow the cancellation policy.

If you’re in emotional distress, text HOME to connect with a counselor immediately.


Call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for 24/7 emotional support.


If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.