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How does Brightside Health notify customers in the event of a data breach?

In the event of a security incident impacting customer data, Brightside Health will notify you in writing about the incident, which shall include the information that may have been compromised, the cause of the breach, and any remedial actions Brightside is taking to mitigate damages and prevent any recurrences.  Additionally, Brightside will self-report the breach to the Department of Health & Human Services.


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?

You can always email us at [email protected]. If you’re an existing member, please reach out via Help from your Brightside account.


If you’re in emotional distress, text HOME to connect with a counselor immediately.


Call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for 24/7 emotional support.


If you’re having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your local ER.